Soul Hunters Tier List: Front Line Damage Dealers




He is almost like Ezio, but worse in every way. With Ezio around, Hanzo is useless and redundant. I don’t recommend him because he fills the same role as another character, and that character does it better.


Ulfang is more of a support than anything else. But his main goal is still to deal damage. Most of the people that use him only want his haste and power boost at the start of the match. Don’t let him be alone in the front, or you will quickly be down a fighter.

A Tier:


Ratman was very bad until he got his awakening. Now he gets stronger as time goes on, and his multiple invincibility frames make sure fights take a long time. He is okay as a solo front liner, but unless you have meaty midliners he might accidentally let them die.


The local snake samurai and the king of damage. He doesn’t win very many arena battles, but most other units cannot compare to him in Hall of Legends or the Campaign. His ultimate is sure to take out 1 or 2 enemies, even if they have full health.

S Tier:


For 99 cents you can be the proud owner of the most overpowered character in the game. What he doesn’t have in tankiness, he makes up for in invincibility. If that wasn’t enough he also cannot miss with any of his skills. He has a stun for the whole enemy team that interrupts whatever they were doing. He also has a really strong ultimate that nearly insures a kill, and makes his opponents miss more. Ezio is the only counter to Ezio. So if you don’t have him at 3 stars at least, avoid players that run him. Hint: Everyone runs him.

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